These 30 Anti-Aging Foods Keep Women Younger

08/30. Saffron

This spice (saffron) so precious and powerful must be imperatively in your pantry. saffron is a bold flavor that provides even more powerful nutrients.

“It contains the carotenoid crocin and crocetin phytonutrients, which have antitumor and antioxidant effects, which can also reduce the symptoms associated with depression and premenstrual syndrome, and even curb excessive snacking – all of these factors that age prematurely. your DNA, she adds.

07/30. Cilantro

Rarent is the ones who know deeply that “green herbs are rich in nutrients and coriander is especially beneficial for detoxifying your body,” says Kay. “Coriander can also have a heavy metal chelating action, which means it’s fighting to remove metal deposits from your body, like mercury in tuna.”

If the herb has a soapy taste when you eat it, you are not weird: research shows that it is integrated into your genes. If you still like to use it, try it in soups and salads to enhance the taste of the other ingredients.

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