30 Little-Known Warning Signs of Diabetes You Should Never Ignore

Difficulty swallowing

While not extremely common, having difficulty swallowing can be a sign that you’re developing diabetes. Diabetics often have difficulty digesting food and suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which occurs when bile or stomach acid flows back into your esophagus or food pipe.

Difficulty walking

Yes, we’ve touched a lot on how diabetes messes up your blood sugar levels, but did you know that high blood glucose can also cause nerve damage? When you develop neuropathy, you have more difficulty with movements such as walking or even getting around the house.

Trouble concentrating

Hey, in today’s crazy world with all its distractions and busyness, it’s common to lose our concentration. But if you’ve been having a lot of trouble thinking, it could very well be a sign that you have diabetes. Lack of concentration is triggered by kidney malfunction, which also causes diabetics to have upset stomach and weakness.

Dark skin on both sides of the neck

In this article, we’ve already told you about the risk of skin discoloration, but diabetes is also the cause of acanthosis nigricans, which is a condition that causes the skin on the sides of your neck to become darkened. This is brought on even more by perspiration and friction.

Frequent infections

The biggest threat from diabetes is that it impairs the normal function of your body’s immune system. If you haven’t been diagnosed, you are at risk for almost all common infections, especially vaginal yeast infections in women, which is also known as thrush.

Difficulty speaking

When you have diabetes, you can also experience difficulties with speech. These issues are a result of problems that arise from nerve damage brought on by the disease. Muscles that control your face, larynx and vocal cords become impaired. This is also true for jaws, teeth, and mouth.

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