3. Ginger and Garlic
Ginger opens up your blood vessels and helps blood to pass through easily. It is a natural anti-inflammatory product that helps to put less stress on the cardiovascular system. Ginger helps to clean build up in arteries and veins and cleanse the blood.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric contains the active compound, curcumin, which is a natural phenol with powerful vessel-protecting properties. Curcumin has been shown to improve endothelial function by alleviating the damage from free radicals (and helping the blood vessels relax, and therefore letting more blood flow through them).
5. Foods High in Vitamin B3
Many people take aspirin for blood thinning. Maybe they are not aware of a more natural and safe alternative. Vitamin B3 helps you within 20-30. It is also known as niacin. After you consume niacin (or consuming foods high in niacin), your blood vessels dilate, which leads to a warming sensation in your body (commonly known as the ‘niacin flush’). Vitamin B3 can be found readily in chia seeds, brown rice, tomatoes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, potatoes, and mushrooms.
6. Hawthorn Extract
Hawthorn extract does a number of good things for our circulatory system. It protects the inner lining of blood vessels, helps them to dilate and relax, strengthens the heart, prevents blood clotting, improves cholesterol levels and even normalizes blood pressure. It is also one of the safest plants recommended for cardiovascular support, with no side effects or herb-drug interactions.
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